Friday, January 28, 2011

Pork Steak - sukiyaki style

  • pork - sukiyaki cut
  • onions - cut in quarters
  • garlic
  • soy sauce
  • sugar
  • kalamansi
  • oil
Combine calamansi and soysauce according to your taste. Marinate the pork for a few minutes in this mixture.

Transfer the marinated pork in the pot, add the onions, and add some water so the the meat is submerged. Boil covered for a few minutes. Sprinkle with some sugar. When pork is cooked, simmer uncovered to evaporate excess liquid. When just enough liquid is left, remove the fire.

Saute the garlic. Remove from flame when golden brown. Sprinkle on top the pork.

** substitute the kalamsi with mirin and you'll get Pork-don. And from Pork-don, substitute pork with beef and you'll get Gyu-don!

** for gyu-don/pork-don, I prefer pickled red ginger (Beni shoga) and pickled garlic cloves. But hubby is not fond of spicy foods, so he gets fried garlic instead.

** before dinner hubby is begging for us to join our workmates who were eating out. He looks like a school boy asking for ice cream. So bargained that we can just go down and find him some desert which later bacame two cups of so-so miso soup from Karate Kid. The miso soup was 20pesos per cup so the mediocrity is forgivable.

this doily was made @ 9:29 PM